Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mugs and Magnets

Growing up in Jacksonville Beach Florida I never understood the need or necessity of the mug or the magnet besides function. When we would venture for the daycation to St Augustine, Daytona, or the likes, there were rows and rows of mugs and magnets at every gas station, Mcdonalds, and shell shop, why would anyone want these things? My father being the minimalist he is, never had novelties around. Also doesn't everyone get away to the same summer vacation destination each year? What about the movies, and their summer homes, why would you need a magnet at your winter home to remind you of where you know you're going, its the same every year!

Until 2001 I had never stepped foot on a plane. The Sutherland's vacation each year consisted of hauling our boat, Whipit, down to Marathon Florida to enjoy the snorkeling, fishing, diving, key lime pie and fried lobster tails. I can still remember my first trip, I was 8 my brother was 2 and they had mosquitos the size of taradactyls! We only ever went between the 2 places and approximately 49 weeks after we left we went right back, same fishing holes, same smells, same people! So whats with all the mugs and magnets everywhere!?

Fast forward to today and I go to grab a mug from the kitchen and my coffee from the fridge, I see NYC, Key West, Boston, CT, Las Vegas, and on and on. I get to walk down memory lane every morning. They are the sweet tokens to remind us of where we have been in case we never may go again. Mugs and magnets are specifically designed to reflect the region, with the colors, tastes and sometimes smells.

As I blog about the old days and drink from my Nashville mug my in-laws found me on a trip last year, im admiring all my mugs!!It keeps it simple, a small token to stir up emotions and memories. And I know they clutter the fridge, but when I wake in the morning and see my magnets as I take the creamer out, Im reminded of the girls trip to NYC(and my first ever to the big city) and Jersey Boys on Broadway, I think about taking Todd to the Keys for the first time and all the fun we had running from Tornadoes and snorkeling the reefs, my magnet of CT is a reminder of the first time I met Reina and Nanny in North Haven and seeing Yale which everyone must visit in their life. I cant wait to fill the cupboard and fridge doors with Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Kona, St Lucia and who knows where else this year and beyond!

So cheers to Mugs and Magnets, SALUTE!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Holy Fromers.........

So lets just say I've spent the last few days immersed in travel planning!!! Todd and I have spent a lot of time thinking about the Honeymoon, and other travel plans and last Thursday we received some news that would change our next 4 months!!! But where to start the story. I guess with the bad news.

Bad news is we will not be doing a 2 week honeymoon, just 1 in St Lucia. Ok enough bad news.

Here's the Fab news; we are going to the BALTIC SEA!!!! That's right I made Presidents Club at ADP and we get to go to Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki, St Petersburg, and Copenhagen!

But the news gets better, we are starting that trip in INDY so we can fly back there for Fowler and Hirsch's nuptials and see all our favorite CUTTERS!

Then the news gets even better, and this is a BIG SURPRISE FOR THEM, we are heading to KONA to see Dirk compete in Ironman World Championships and help Alicia cheer him on, that's right HAWAII!!!!!!!!! We were going to make it a real surprise, but of course Dirk has goated Todd about us coming and now Todd thinks we need to tell them! Where better than a blog?(for those who dont know the Bockels, they live in Luxembourgh so we only see them when Dirk comes here to train, we met them recently but they have become great friends quickly)

Then is gets even better, as a compromise for the abbreviated Honeymoon, we are going to the Tour de France 2011!!!!!! WOOHOOO

Ok so heres how it all went down. Todd decided after many frustrating weeks running that he is retiring from racing the marathon. Being 73rd in Chicago with a time of 2:30 is definitely a way to go out on top!! With that said he made the side comment; Todd "You know since we arent going to Chicago we could go see Dirk?" Me "We could". SO the wheels begin working. With the waiting game of finding out if I was indeed top 15 in the country at ADP(ended up 9th, whoop whoop) it was difficult to make any plans between now and the wedding.

As I booked a night with the Hilton Castle at Universal and was sent over to do a "survey", not really paying attention I find myself listening to some guy named Ricky in a very KY accent tell me about Teluride, Chicago, and Disney packages. Me, "Hold up, what is this for?" Ricky "This is a special package we have for you to buy today with a great savings" Me "Listen Ricky, unless you have a package in Madrid or Kona, im booked for the year!" Shouldn't of opened my mouth, "Why yes Ms Sutherland, we do!" Next thing I know I have purchased a 7 day 6 night stay at Waikaloa Village, with rental car, 2 luau tickets and a $200 gift card for, get this $799!!!! So I did it, but, and big but, didnt ask Todd, but hey, he wont be mad right? It was his idea to go to Kona in the first place.

Well in my enthusiasm I had neglected to think about time off work. Since at that time I didnt know about club, we were already looking at 3 weeks out of work in the next 6 months. John Hunter, a good friend of Todds and a fellow Starbucks connoisseur, had said there is a splurge threshhold, and you have to find it. Well I dont know if I found the splurge but definitely the time away from work. EEEEEEEK

Debate ensues, Todd" Heather we will just have to go after Little 500, there is no way I can take more time off work." Me, "Come on, it will be great, Baltic Sea, Hawaii, St Lucia and Madrid/Lux, we need to take advantage of time now."

Compromise, Baltic, Hawaii, St Lucia, all just one week and then next summer FRANCE AND LUX!

So, I cant wait!!! I cant wait to see the Baltic, I cant wait to see the Bockels and watch Dirk crush the Ironman, I cant wait to get married and then St Lucia!!! What a ride this will be!!

Wedding update:
Plans are set, now just the execution of the plans made

Taking my dress to the seamstress week after next to start the fitting process

Started a second round of P90X to ensure no back boobs(thank you Tosh.O for making me aware)

Biking is going awesome, 47 miles last Sunday!!