Another one bites the dust……………….
No this is not about Todd and being the next victim to matrimony. Rather this is one song that plays over and over in my head whenever I think of my Dad. That and “Riders on the storm.” These are his go to songs. Every morning my Dad would take my brother Addison and I to the nanny and school respectively and we would listen to either of these 2 songs in the suburban. “Are you ready? HEY duh duh duh, Another one bites the dust!” It was slightly embarrassing but it was the one time of day that my Dad was always fun. We also would either play “Knock Knock” jokes or the never funny “Why don’t ducks fly upside down?” I seriously think that was told every morning between 1987 and 1992 between Myra St and San Pablo Elementary! Oh and we will never forget always trying to find the runner lady with the thong and long braid!
So why the back story? Well I’m now 28 years old(thank you January 23rd for sneaking up so quickly) and I have always been a Daddy’s girl. So much so that we are cut from the same mold and for the better part of my teens and early 20’s this was a difficult relationship. He’s a confident, independent, intelligent man who at the very least is perceived as stoic. Worked his whole life for his family, 13 days on 1 off at Southern Bell/Bell South/ATT, for as long as I can remember so we could have better than he ever did.
Weekend before last at the Bridal Extravaganza ( awesome if you are 21 to 25, me ehh) as we were sitting and discussing the rows of vendors, cakes, men dressed in jail outfits(ball and chain reference here) 18 year olds modeling wedding dresses(designed for 18 year olds) he very nonchalantly slid into conversation that he had just visited a bridal boutique, The Black Tie. Me “Were you fixing their phones? Dad “No.” Me “Well what were you doing in there?” Dad “Looking at brides dresses. They had to help me out I about had a heart attack, I was a blubbering idiot.” SHOCK!!!!!!!!
I have been surprised by my father only a few times in my life. First when he cried at his 50th Birthday party. Second he sent me a card one year “just because” which I cherish. Lastly the Christmas snow globe which I keep on my desk to this day. It was one of the only gifts he has given all on his own. But this bridal shop thing was surprising. My Dad, the one who still buys my Christmas Tree and lugs it in the house and fixes things when I need it(even if it means driving all the way to St Augustine after a 12 hour work day.), who I never thought would let another man into my life, went and looked at dresses. This is it, this is a sign that he’s all in. Todd he loves you, he will probably never tell you, or if he does it will be as he stands next to you out of the side of his mouth. But he loves you, and I’m thankful and happy for that!
Dad, I don’t think I’ve said it out loud in years, I Love You.
Wedding update:
This is not easy. As my dear friend Ashley says, “this is a job.” And as my other dear friend Ashley filled in Todd “meet in the middle when it comes to getting things done.”
Meeting with a venue this week but 99% sure. Ceremony spot has changed about 3 times. Want to know why? Check out the St Augustine Record today January 26th cover story about the vendors!