Sunday, January 10, 2010

This Changes Everything

My future father-in-law Tim,today suggested to me that I write a diary to remember the happiest times in my life. His specific words were “you can fill a room with happiness my friend” and you should write it down to share with everyone because its a special ability. This is in reference to my Griswald Family style of celebration; over the top, all inclusive, and if nothing else simply fun. Today was most important to set this off, so here we go!

As Todd and I were riding back to my new home in St Augustine Florida we began having a very important discussion that all couples should be able to have, one where you are completely exposed and vulnerable. So after a great lunch with my mom and dad at Mellow Mushroom and trip to Home Depot, after which my father actually chased down a man selling firewood(because he needed a truck load!) our discussion was prompted after hearing the Dido song “Thank you”. More specifically the line, “for giving me the best day of my life.” Todd turned to me and said “What is the best of yours?” Me”The best ever.” LONG PAUSE 2 came to mine, the first was my graduation from college and the second was a selling day in Asheville NC where we hit on all cylinders, it was cold, crisp that early morning with wild turkeys about and the sale that I created went off without a hitch! So of course I posed it right back and he came up with 4. When Justin Taylor ran and won the tri-fecta, Little 5 win Number 10, The day he hit the Chicago Marathon at 2:30(I was there for that one) and the day he learned he had passed his CPA. This transitioned into the always funny topic of our wedding. So as I made a quick joke about planning our “family reunion” as to not set off anyone in town that I was really planning our wedding(small town, very small) our song came over the radio “Use Somebody” Kings of Leon. He sang the first line, and then said “I think you should start planning our wedding on Monday.” I laughed and agreed and he said no really, I paused and began to become overly hot and bothered, was this it? Am I getting proposed to? Is this like the time in the airplane coming home from our New York/North Haven trip that he showed me a ring on the I-phone?
Now keep in mind its January 9th, 2010, the coldest and longest recorded days in a row of hard freeze temperatures in north Florida, and im getting HOT! I cry, laugh uncontrollably thinking he is putting me on and he asks me to reach under the seat. It was hilarious: me “under the seat?” Todd: yes. Me: “What seat? My seat? Theres no under the seat its electric stuff” Todd: “ NO theres a plastic thing, open it up” Me: fidgeting like a nutball finally opens it up and a little black box slides around. I pick it up and start to cry/laugh. Had someone driving in the next lane looked over, they would have thought both my parents, brother and everyone I know died at once! I opened it, looked at him, then down! IT WAS THE RING!!! The ring we happened to go look at while shopping for Christmas presents 3 weeks earlier! It is beautiful, eclectic, old fashion and perfect! Im so happy. I look at him, “are you asking me? Is this really it?” Todd: Yes.
So its officially official! IM engaged to be married! Alert the press, let the bells ring, this is it! Sometime this year(December most likely) I will be Heather Lane Neville! Wow, that’s so crazy the first time you don’t write your own name.
By far Todd I want to Thank you, for the best days of my life! I love you.
So with that here begins my diary. January 9th 2010 the day of my engagement. This is going to be a happy year. The year I Heather Lane Sutherland, gets married.


  1. Beautiful! Sounds like 2010 is off to a bang for you and Todd. Congrats!

  2. Congrats! I am so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

  3. love the blog, love the story and most of all... love the love :)
    congrats again!!

  4. Congrats to you both! That's an amazing story btw :). I love hearing how people get engaged, those are some of the best stories! Yay for weddings and new families! :)
